Happy Easter! April 12th
Well it's been a long time since we blogged. Here's what Taylor has been up to lately......
Daddy (naturally) got a giggle out of her on her 2 month b-day (4/5). No such luck for mommy! She is such a daddy's girl and Joey just loves it! She is working on holding her head up and is now starting to 'chill' in her seats for longer than 5 minutes which means mommy can attempt to get something done during the day (although it aint much). We still watch a lot of tv though since Taylor eats all the time, so if there is a show you need updating on let me know. Taylor did her 2 month dr. visit last week and got 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine - talk about torturing the baby and mommy! She did well that nite. I just held her a lot and let her eat as much as she wanted. At that visit she was 12 lbs 5 oz, 23" - 90th percentile. She also has graduated to size 2 diapers. She is very active and is smiling a lot (like someone I know and which she looks just like).